National Ocean Science and Technology Development and International Competitiveness
Re카지노 잭팟rch AreasVISION
Ocean Science and technology that we enjoy together,
KIOST will go to the world.
Re카지노 잭팟rch AreasManagement Goals
Growth into an innovative value platform in the ocean sector through the creation of performance of ultra-gap strategic technology and economic and social contributions
Re카지노 잭팟rch AreasStrategic Priorities
Strengthen leading Ocean science and technology capabilities through challenging convergence re카지노 잭팟rch- Discovery and Development of New Marine Industries and Development of Industrialization-Based Technologies
Systematic Ocean science and technology support to resolve pending issues in the national society
- Ways to deal with changes
in climate and marine environment - Development of resources in the ocean
- Creation of advanced ocean
engineering technology - Marine territory management
Ways to deal with changes in climate and marine environment
Forecast of climate change and ways to deal with changes in marine environment
- Monitoring and forecast of climate change in the oceans and the Korean waters
- Development of marine environment monitoring and management technology
- Understanding and dealing with ecosystem response characteristics due to changes in marine environment
Development of resources in the ocean
Development of marine bio and strategic mineral resources
- Marine bio re카지노 잭팟rch
- Industrialization by securing strategic mineral resources development capacity
- Development of extreme new resources in the ocean
Creation of advanced ocean engineering technology
Development of core ocean engineering technology and advanced equipment
- Commercialization of marine energy, and development of harbor and marine structure technology
- Development of IoT-based marine robot and equipment technology
- Development advancement of marine satellite system and core recycling technology
Marine territory management
Marine space management and development of marine security/safety technology
- Development of marine defense and safety technology
- Development of damage reduction technology for marine disaster
- Study on integrated management policy for marine space
- Content Manager :
- Last Update : 2023-09-20